
CPA Session at IMMUNOLOGY 2015™


At IMMUNOLOGY 2015™, the Committee on Public Affairs (CPA) hosted the following session:

Alternative Funding Sources Discussed During
Public Affairs Session at IMMUNOLOGY 2015™

The AAI Committee on Public Affairs (CPA) hosted a session entitled, “Funding for Immunology Research: Non-Federal Opportunities and NIAID Program Update” at the AAI annual meeting, IMMUNOLOGY 2015™ in New Orleans. Due to fiscal constraints imposed by federal budget cuts and inflationary erosion, NIH paylines and success rates have been significantly reduced, jeopardizing the careers of many productive senior and emerging scientists. As a result, non-governmental sources are becoming an increasingly attractive way to support important biomedical research. The AAI session provided scientists with background on - and tips on how to acquire - these alternative sources of funding. The session also included an update on the state of immunology research funded by NIAID, the primary funder of basic immunology research.

The session was chaired by AAI Committee on Public Affairs Chair Clifford V. Harding, M.D., Ph.D., and featured four guest speakers:

  • William Chambers, Ph.D., National Vice President, Extramural Research, American Cancer Society, The role of charitable and patient advocacy organizations in funding biomedical research
  • Gwen Nguyen, Cause Director, Indiegogo, How crowdfunding can support biomedical research
  • Bruce Walker, M.D., Director, Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, and professor at Harvard University, The role of philanthropy in supporting biomedical research
  • Daniel Rotrosen, M.D., Director, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation, NIAID, Recent trends in NIAID-funded, investigator-initiated immunology research

The well-attended symposium was followed by a lively question and answer session.


(L-R): Bruce Walker, William Chambers, Gwen Nguyen, Daniel Rotrosen, Clifford Harding


Audience members ask questions of the public affairs session speakers


Harding introducing the session and speakers

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