
AAI Travel Awards

AAI Meeting and Travel Awards recognize the promise and bolster the professional development of investigators of all career stages by assisting them with travel expenses for the AAI annual meeting and travel to learn a new technique.

AAI Travel for Techniques Program

This award reimburses travel expenses to AAI member scientists for travel to another laboratory specifically to learn a new technique. Selection will be based on relevance of the technique to the applicant’s program, inaccessibility of the technique at local institutions, and financial need.

Travel Awards for the AAI Annual Meeting



Full professors (or equivalent)

AAI Laboratory Grant


AAI Undergraduate Faculty Grant


Associate professors (or equivalent)

AAI Laboratory Grant


AAI Undergraduate Faculty Grant


Lustgarten-Thermo Fisher Scientific Award


Assistant professors (or equivalent)

AAI Early Career Faculty Grant


AAI Undergraduate Faculty Grant


Chambers-Thermo Fisher Scientific Award


Pfizer-Showell Award


AAI Diversity Award


Trainees (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows)

AAI Trainee Abstract Award


AAI Trainee Poster Award


AAI-Thermo Fisher Trainee Achievement Award


Lefran莽ois-BioLegend Award


AAI Diversity Award


Other Awards

AAI Travel Grants for IUIS

These grants provide reimbursement to abstract presenters for expenses associated with attending the IUIS meeting.

AAI Travel Grants for the European Congress of Immunology (ECI)

These grants provide reimbursement for expenses associated with attending ECI 2024.

AAI Travel Grants for the Latin American and Caribbean Immunology (ALACI) Congress

These grants provide reimbursement for expenses associated with attending ALACI 2024.

AAI Travel Grants for IUIS 2025

These grants provide reimbursement to abstract presenters for expenses associated with attending the IUIS meeting.

AAI-IUIS Course Awards

These awards provide course registration support to trainees from developing countries. See the AAI Introductory Course and AAI Advanced Course pages for complete course information.

 Intro: Closed 
 Advanced: Closed 

Questions about the application process? Please contact the AAI offices at awards@aai.org, or (301) 634-7178.

AAI will work with government employees to meet government requirements regarding receipt of awards. For more information, contact awards@aai.org.

© 日韩三级片 Association of Immunologists, Inc.
1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650, Rockville, Maryland 20852
(301) 634-7178 | infoaai@aai.org