
  Applications are closed for 2025

AAI Laboratory Grant

Download 2023 Reimbursement POLICY & Form

AAI is supporting travel grants to mid-career and senior investigators to assist them in attending the AAI annual meeting. The grant is awarded to the principal investigator (PI) or laboratory director as one recipient, and they may select a second recipient from their laboratory.

These grants will provide up to two travel awards per laboratory at $1,250 each. Monetary awards will be paid by ACH or wire transfer to recipients following the AAI annual meeting, provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.
  • Grantees must present their abstract at the AAI annual meeting. The poster must be displayed on the day of presentation designated in the program, and presenters must be at their poster board on the assigned day and time.
  • U.S.-based awardees must submit a completed W9 form to receive the award check. Awardees will be provided instructions for submitting their forms through a secure portal.
  • Awardees must make their reservations through the official AAI hotel reservation system onPeak and stay at one of the AAI-designated hotels to receive their award checks.
In most cases this grant may not be combined with other awards or grants for the AAI annual meeting; trainee second recipients may receive the AAI Trainee Abstract Award or AAI Trainee Poster Award, but the maximum funding under the Laboratory Travel Grant will be reduced commensurate with the amount of the other award received.

AAI Laboratory Travel Grant Recipients


© 日韩三级片 Association of Immunologists, Inc.
1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650, Rockville, Maryland 20852
(301) 634-7178 | infoaai@aai.org